The Importance of Learning Motivators

Motivation plays an important role in the learning process.

If you listen to an inner voice saying ‘you don’t know how to paint’, by all means, paint, and the voice will be silent!

Vincent van Gogh.

The word motivation refers to an inner state that activates addresses and keeps the conduct toward specific objectives. It also refers to an association of thoughts, feelings and actions related with a determined situation.

Motivators play an important role in the learning process. By knowing and handling the elements that move people, we will be better prepared for making them being motivated and also motivate ourselves to learn.

There are elements that encourage motivation; they can be intrinsic (related with the satisfaction by doing or completing a task, enjoying the making process by itself) or extrinsic (related with the rewards that produce satisfaction and pleasure not produced by the task itself).

When the students have the chance to ask for, compare criteria and points of view, their interest for learning increase and this helps to develop deeper and more intense motivation towards learning.

It is important that the student has clearness and coherence about the learning goal as well as interest for learning, and disposition for assuming the challenge that it represents.

The learning environment as motivating element must promote the creative interaction, cooperation instead of competition; consider making mistakes and learning from them, offering spaces for clear and respectful communication.

Learning is more motivator when its design includes physical experiences (learning by doing) and refers to the memory’s laws (repetition, impact and association) as well as incorporates memorable feelings.

The learning experiences that promote autonomy and independence and allow the participants to share powerful characteristics permit the development of self-concept, which is an important source of motivation.

When we ask each participant in our Learning Experiences to do something, we generate responsibility on them and this motivates them to be involved and learn.

The development of projects aligned with the objective of the Learning Experience and the interests of the students that besides represent a challenge and promote discover of abilities, skills, attitudes and values, constitute an important motivation element.

Design of activities that imply problem solving, focus the knowledge in a practical way through challenges, which appeals to curiosity, allow to set goals and create expectations. This process motivates students and cheers them up to learn with a specific point: solving the problem.

Offer assorted resources, not common, innovating and different, that takes people to do emotional and pleasant activities. Make your Learning Experiences unique and marvelous to discover, create, feel and do. This way, your Learning Partners will be always anxious and motivated to learn more and more every time.

Which of the strategies you use is more powerful and motivating for your Learning Partners?

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